I made this nest, and am absolutely sure I'd get a low mark from the American Dipper Bird Building Inspector. But hey, it's as close as I could get. Notice the twig across the entrance? It's a baby gate. Some nests built over waterfalls have them. Dippers keep a clean house as well. When the nestlings fill a diaper, the fecal sack is taken away by the male parent. Sort of like taking out the trash! |
Our first author visit included a pileated woodpecker nest provided through the teacher's loan program at the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, also known as the Camarillo Bird Museum. They are truly wonderful folks who provide relative access to one million plus eggs and thousands of bird nests from all over the world. Tours are arranged, and scientists come there to study. Truly, a great place. In case you're curious; www.wfvz.org/cms/ |

Read more about these wondrous birds and other wild creatures in this photo packed audio video enhanced eBook Of Giants and Grizzlies, Sequoia 1-10, Discover True Tales